Co-Working & Body Doubling
Coffee shops and libraries are great places for free body doubling (for some people).
Picture being in your local coffee shop (especially in “pre-COVID” times). You look around and notice everyone working: from individuals to pairs and groups of people. Each table is separate from the one next to them; they likely do not know each other, nor are they likely working on the same topic or tasks. Working in proximity of other people working helps both parties. This is the definition of co-working a.k.a. body doubling.
Create study groups or find friends to get together for a co-working session. You can do this in-person, on video call, or over the phone.
Why Does Body Doubling Help?
If you have Executive Dysfunction and/or ADHD, you might find it especially challenging to have the self-control, discipline, and sustained attention necessary to start or finish tasks (especially boring or multistep tasks). You might also find it challenging to stay-on-task, complete the task at-hand, and avoid distractions. This is a great time for body doubling to come in. “Body Doubling is a productivity strategy in which another person works alongside you as you complete a task you might otherwise find challenging” (Healthline).
Working on tasks with another person “present” can help both parties feel accountable to completing, or making progress on, a specific task(s). “Having someone nearby may help you stay focused, engaged, or motivated to finish the job” (Healthline).
How Do I Choose a Body Double Session?
You need to know your neurology, including your learning, work, or study styles. Can you work in a busy space like a coffee shop? Could you if you were wearing noise-cancelling headphones? Is a library too quiet? Do you need to sit in a space solo, and body double via zoom? Kanter Coaching can help you answer these questions, and more, to learn about the ways to maximize your effort and work time and minimize your distractions.
Read this blog post about other ways to minimize distractions while working.
Body Doubling: At-Home
There are many ways to incorporate body-doubling at home, here are a few examples:
Parents can body double with their kids during homework time. While the kid(s) are doing their homework, parent(s) should also be “working” at the same table, or at least within eye shot of the kid(s). This not only helps the kid(s) stay on-task, but also sends a positive message to the kid about their parent modeling work for them as well.
Partners or friends could sit together while they ______ (ex: pay bills, balance their budget, sort mail).
Siblings can body double together for a variety of tasks from cleaning their room to brushing their teeth to getting homework done or potentially studying.
Adults can hire an assistant (or mother’s helper or cleaning person) to come and clean or organize in one room, while they start on another room.
Body Doubling: Online
*These are for 18-years-old or older. Please use the following groups or sites with caution and appropriate behavior, and abide by the rules of each group or website.
There are lots of online co-working and body double sessions. You can either do work on or a near a computer during the session, like cleaning a room.
Accountability Partner/Body Double Sessions (Facebook Group)
Private Facebook group
Users can join or create an online co-working session
Body Doubling for ADHD/ Neurodivergent people (Facebook Group)
Private Facebook group
Users can join or create an online co-working session
ADHD Collective Co-Working Session
Weekly session
3 free sessions/week or Unlimited sessions for $5/month
Choose what time you want to work, launch your session, and a Focusmate partner will join
Free trial then monthly fee
They offer discounts for hosting a certain number of sessions (and other discounts as well)
You can join or host a session almost anytime (little notice needed)
ADHD Actually
Free trial then monthly fee
Join a scheduled session (62 scheduled sessions run each week)
You can book a session 7 days in advance, or 1 minute before the session starts!
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)
Membership costs vary
Peer support groups
Co-working zooms
How Can Kanter Coaching Help You?
Coaching can help you:
Learn more about your executive function skills and where you might need support.
Do a 1:1 or small-group body double, co-working session.
Understand how you best work and learn, including what are your frequent distractions.
Create strategies and a plan for addressing any areas of executive dysfunction.
Create systems, habits, routines, and structures.
Amy Marschall, P. D. (2022, April 28). Body doubling and ADHD: How it can help. Verywell Mind. Retrieved from
Lewis, L. (2020, December 14). Need to get more done? (don't we all?). ADDitude. Retrieved from
Patricia Quinn, M. D. (2022, August 30). Get more done with a body double. ADDitude. Retrieved from
Stanborough, R. J. (2022, August 26). What is body doubling for ADHD? Healthline. Retrieved from,motivated%20to%20finish%20the%20job.
Taylor-Klaus, E. (2022, June 21). How to help with homework: Be a body double. ImpactParents. Retrieved from
*Disclaimer: I have no affiliation or relationship with the products, companies, or websites included in this article. Please use Facebook, Facebook groups, Zoom, and other products appropriately. Also, I will do my best to catch any dead or out dated links, but apologies in advance if I miss any.