Training & Consultation
1:1 or Group Coaching, Trainings, Professional Development, Consultation, or Contract Work
I offer a variety of support to individuals, schools, and organizations, including…
Leading executive function groups for students and staff.
Leading staff trainings, webinars, and professional development for mental health clinicians, superintendents, school administration & staff, teachers, summer camp leadership and counselors, and in other non- and for- profit settings.
Providing take-away resources.
Writing white papers, articles, and blog posts.
Updating resumes and cover letters, and other work or research related to personal, academic, professional, or organizational improvement or success.
Coaching, training, & consultation is individualized based on both the individual’s, and the organization’s, goals, strengths, and neurology (i.e., how you or your staff best learn and communicate).
Topics vary - depending on the client’s goals & needs - but are often related to increasing awareness and supports for:
executive function skills,
different learning or workplace styles,
neurodivergence, or
social emotional wellness.
Please reach out with any questions, needs, or opportunities.
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