Young Adult Coaching

~17-25 years old

Coaching focuses on the specific needs of each individual client.

Examples of goals and support that can be addressed with Kanter Coaching:


  • Goal setting

  • Setting up a to-do list and calendar

  • Creating organizational systems

  • Room cleaning

  • Learning to problem solve

  • Prioritizing tasks

  • Learning how to “course correct” & re-prioritize


  • Interpersonal communication, ex: how to talk to friends, family, teachers, and bosses

  • Self-advocacy

  • Support for “adulting” tasks like making doctor’s appointments, budgeting, and cleaning

  • Grocery shopping and meal planning


  • Navigating support within your school or workplace

  • Study skills

  • Creating or updating a resume

  • Interview practice

  • Job coaching

  • Long term project planning

Time management, Executive function, Executive functioning, Executive dysfunction, Executive Function Coaching, EF Coaching, ADHD coaching
Executive function, Executive functioning, Executive dysfunction, Executive Function Coaching, EF Coaching, ADHD coaching, self-control, self-confidence, decision making, happiness, pride, proud
Executive function, Executive functioning, Executive dysfunction, Executive Function Coaching, EF Coaching, ADHD coaching, meal planning, meal prepping, adulting, adult tasks, planning, time management, prioritization
Executive function, Executive functioning, Executive dysfunction, Executive Function Coaching, EF Coaching, ADHD coaching, task oriented, planning, planner, organization, to-do list, goal setting, goals
Executive function, Executive functioning, Executive dysfunction, Executive Function Coaching, EF Coaching, ADHD coaching, time management, work-life balance, happy, happiness
Executive function, Executive functioning, Executive dysfunction, Executive Function Coaching, EF Coaching, ADHD coaching, career coaching, academic coach, career planner, future planning, goal setting, resume, interview, cover letter, application

Coaching is individualized based on your strengths, goals, and keeping in mind your neurology (i.e., how you best learn).

How we accomplish the goal or build the skills varies from client to client. The “how” can include:

  • Weekly 1:1 50-minute zoom sessions,

  • Accountability check-ins & texts,

  • Using a shared app to track habits

  • Mindset shifting, mindfulness, and self-reflection,

  • Co-working zoom sessions, and

  • Creating systems, routines, and checklists.