What Problem Would You Like to Solve?
That’s All You Need to Know to Get Started.
Leave the rest up to me.
Are You A...
Young adult needing support in their personal, professional, or academic lives. This can include someone needing…
EF coaching;
College or career readiness and guidance;
Independent living skills; or
Support navigating college or workplace accommodations.
Neurodivergent adult who experience executive dysfunction at-home or at-work. This can look like difficulty…
Meeting deadlines;
Getting out of the house on-time;
Maintaining a sleep schedule;
Keeping a to-do list; or
Meal planning.
School or organization looking to…
Offer EF coaching groups for students or staff;
Train staff on matters related to EF skills and addressing the needs of neurodivergent learners/employees; or
Develop a framework for supporting executive function skills and neurodivergent students/staff.
Learn More About...
Executive Function (EF) skills are the building blocks that allow us to plan, organize, and manage our thoughts and actions. Together, we will create individualized goals and plans to help strengthen or support your EF.
I offer trainings in schools, mental health practices, summer camps, and for other non- and for- profits organizations. I also provide consultations to schools needing support around their special education program, and the ways they teach, model, and support executive function skills in students and staff.
Work, Family, Friends, Self Care, OH MY!
Whether you are in your 20’s or 50’s, you might find yourself stuck or without a plan for your future. Coaching can help you stay on track in work or school, find a job, organize your time, meal plan, and overcome other daily obstacles.